About Rock Dunder:
- Rock Dunder is a treasure that lies within the UNESCO Thousand Islands Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve. Rising 275 feet above Morton Bay, Rock Dunder provides breathtaking views of the surrounding lakes and woodlands. Trails lead to one of the highest points of land in the area, and offer stunning vistas that are enjoyed seasonally by local residents and visitors to the area. For many, childhood memories of hiking trips to Rock Dunder remain fresh in their minds.
- Rideau Waterway Land Trust members and supporters raised funds to purchase Rock Dunder in 2006. Scouts Canada decided to sell Rock Dunder, after using the site wilderness camp for almost 40 years, and to use the funds used to upgrade other camps better suited to younger campers.
- RWLT’s acquisition of Rock Dunder ensures this significant property remains undeveloped.
- Open for hiking from sunrise to sunset, May 15 - Nov 15
- Purchase your pass ahead of time online or at the gate when you arrive.
To review the Property Management Plan for Rock Dunder, click HERE.
- The 2 trails include the Morton Bay Loop and the Summit Loop (the Cabin Trail is currently closed).
- The Morton Bay Loop comprises two moderately steep sections to and from a small peninsular outlook over Morton Bay. The hike is 2km through mixed forest.
- The Summit Loop is a 3.9km climb which runs alongside Dean's Island through a variety of forest, offering sneak peaks over rocky cliffs. The summit offers a panoramic view of the Rideau Waterway.