Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
Thank you for considering to Volunteer at the Rideau Waterway Land Trust. We appreciate all of our supporters, especially our volunteers and donors.
See below the types of volunteers that RWLT is seeking assistance with:
1. Board Members
We are very interested to hear from people that have a passion for conservation and the environment. If you have extra time in your life that you would like to dedicate towards RWLT's mission of land preservation, please review the below document or the downloadable version here.
The Rideau Waterway Land Trust owes its success to our volunteers. Without these dedicated individuals, it would be impossible to take on the ambitious programs and projects that we have in the past few years.
We need more people to share to our success. If you enjoy the outdoors and would like to contribute to the preservation of natural spaces in our community, please fill in our volunteer form. Once you submit this form, we will add you to our volunteer program and contact you when opportunities arise.
We’d love to have your help. Contact us if you have any questions.