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Mosquito Lake Islands Nature Reserve

When the opportunity to acquire Mosquito Lakes Islands arose, RWLT received a generous donation to purchase the property in 2015. There are 4 islands that make up RWLT's Mosquito Lake Islands property. All of these islands are within the Benson-Mosquito-Loon Lakes complex. These islands are excellent breeding habitat for both waterfowl and turtles. Thanks to the unique geological characteristics of the island, one of the islands is also home to the at risk Gray Ratsnake. It lies astride the junction between gneissic rock and crystalline limestone (marble), which contains long, deep fissures filled with forest litter.

Read the Property Management Plan here.

Rideau Waterway Land Trust, P.O. Box 42, Elgin, Ontario, K0G 1E0 Canada. Phone: +1 (343) 653 2500

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