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The Land Forever Campaign!

Relaxing in a RWLT protected marsh, a Painted Turtle basks undisturbed in the sun. The Painted Turtle is one of Ontario’s

at-risk species. Thanks to areas designated for conservation such as this one, these turtles are thriving, not just surviving.

The Rideau Waterway Land Trust is embarking on one of our biggest challenges yet! Please join us in our goal to raise: $150,000!

Did you know that the Rideau Waterway Land Trust is humbled to be the caretaker of 21 Nature Reserves along this vital corridor? Each reserve is a tapestry for wildlife, including 42 rare plants and animals. At least 35 of the species in our region are known to be at-risk, like the Blanding’s turtle, gray ratsnake, bobolink, and Canada warbler.

The work of the Land Trust is a continuous, daily effort from our biologists and land stewards, plus a network of volunteers from communities along the Rideau. Our work includes regularly updating species inventory, monitoring changes in vernal pool activity (temporary spring water with lots of critters), removing invasive species, generating migratory connectivity passages, safeguarding spring nesting of countless birds, amphibians, and mammals, protecting pollinator habitat, clearing trails of debris, providing public access to nature, picking up garbage, and a long list of administrative tasks that go hand in hand with all of the science.


Will you make your donation today?

Together we can do this! Raising $150,000 in support of vital activities is crucial for the benefit of these Nature Reserves.

Your gift will:     

  • Protect and restore vital land and shorelines
  • Provide sanctuary for many species 
  • Preserve essential pollinators
  • Combat the spread of invasive species which threaten our native biodiversity
  • Create safe opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to experience nature through accessibility initiatives

Thank you for being an essential part of our community effort to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Rideau Waterway, now and FOREVER! It's common knowledge that living in healthy, thriving natural environments, means we're all stronger and healthier humans! A donation for the environment - is a donation for you. Please give what you can, when you can, to the Land Forever campaign! 

Donate Here.

Rideau Waterway Land Trust, P.O. Box 42, Elgin, Ontario, K0G 1E0 Canada. Phone: +1 (343) 653 2500

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